I am currently a Ph.D candidate in the Data and Knowledge Research Group (DKR), School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW). I am now under the joint supervision of Dr. Xiaoyang Wang and Prof. Wenjie Zhang (ARC Future Fellow). My research interest includes Graph Data Mining, Hypergraph Learning, and Data-centric AI.

Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor degree in Data Science and Big Data Technology from Tongji University, China, in 2023. I was a research intern at Fintech Lab in Tongji University, supervised by Prof. Dawei Cheng.

🔥 News

  • 2024.05:  🎉🎉 one paper was accepted by TKDE 2024
  • 2024.04:  🎉🎉 one paper was accepted by IJCAI 2024

📝 Publications

  • Fan Li, Zhiyu Xu, Dawei Cheng*, and Xiaoyang Wang. AdaRisk: Risk-adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vulnerable Nodes Detection. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2024 [pdf] [code]

  • Fan Li, Xiaoyang Wang*, Dawei Cheng, Wenjie Zhang, Ying Zhang, and Xuemin Lin. Hypergraph Self-supervised Learning with Sampling-efficient Signals. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2024 [pdf] [code]

  • Jiacheng Ma, Fan Li, Dawei Cheng* et al. Fighting against Organized Fraudsters Using Risk Diffusion-based Parallel Graph Neural Network. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2023 [pdf]

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA) granted by University of New South Wales - 2024

📖 Educations

  • 2023.09 - now, Ph.D Candidate, University of New South Wales, Sydney.
  • 2019.09 - 2023.06, Undergraduate, Tongji Univeristy, Shanghai.